
SummerReadingPrograms Archives - Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies: the Montana Coalition

Explore Play Spaces and Public Libraries with LIFTS This Summer

By Community, Community Support, Early Childhood, Parenting

The LIFTS Online Resource Guide features a wide range of services and service providers across the state of Montana that are relevant to parents and caregivers of young children.   As we are in the dog days of summer, we wanted to highlight two areas that we hope are particularly helpful for parents and caregivers caring for young children this summer: play spaces and public libraries.

Play Spaces

Play spaces in LIFTS include anything from parks to indoor play spaces like this cool space.  We know that during the summer parents and caregivers can often be ready for a change of scenery and exploring a park that’s maybe different than your everyday haunt can be a fun and engaging experience for parents and littles alike.

Public Libraries

Montana has a great network of public libraries that offer a broad range of services for families and young children.  From “Books and Babies” to engaging summer reading programs, libraries can be a staple of the summer.  As a bonus, most public libraries offer air conditioning and can provide a safe and comfortable environment to beat the heat in while you share an engaging reading experience with your little one.

Do you know of an awesome play space or park that’s missing?

We are always working to keep LIFTS as up to date as possible and lean upon the generosity of our partners and supporters to do that.  If you know of an awesome play space or library in your area that isn’t yet a part of the LIFTS online resource guide, please let us know!  The purpose of LIFTS is to Link Infants and Families to Support and we know it takes a village.

We hope everyone is having a safe and enjoyable summer!