Shaken baby syndrome (SBS) is the result of violently shaking an infant.
- SBS is a leading type of child abuse in the United States
- 25% of SBS cases are fatal
- 80% of SBS victims who survive have permanent disabilities
SBS is preventable. By raising awareness and supporting caregivers, we can reduce these numbers.
Learn More about SBSPeriod of PURPLE Crying
Frustration with a baby’s crying is the top trigger for SBS. See our guidance to parents on how to care for a crying baby and how to care for their own wellbeing so they can react safely and appropriately.
The Period of PURPLE Crying is a framework for explaining infant crying to help parents and caregivers understand it and develop a plan for assessing and responding to a baby’s needs while attending to their own emotions.
Peak of crying | Baby may cry more each week, with a peak in crying at 2 months old |
Unexpected | Crying can come and go for no obvious reason |
Resists soothing | Baby may keep crying no matter what you try |
Pain-like face | Baby may look like they’re in pain when they aren’t |
Long-lasting | Crying can last 5 or more hours a day |
Evening | Baby may cry more in the afternoon and evening |