Monthly Archives

December 2018

Linking Infants and Families to Supports (LIFTS)

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With funding from Blue Cross, Blue Shield, HMHB has been working on many fronts in improving healthcare for those experiencing perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs) in Montana.  Work continued on developing the Perinatal Screening Protocol for Primary Care Providers and a complete draft including the algorithm and narrative were presented in early December. We plan to have a final draft in December after a few finishing touches and be able to distribute the final product in 2019.

In addition to that working group, Melissa Bangs is wrapping up her work with community-based perinatal support coalitions in Missoula, Helena and the Flathead.  Currently, these groups are working to find permanent homes and facilitators within their communities to ensure their long-term success.  Coalitions are determining their own work plans, which include goals such as maternal mental health public awareness campaigns, education for providers and resource and referral guides.

On October 20 and 21st, HMHB in collaboration with the Clinical Psychology Department at the University of Montana, hosted The Perinatal Mental Health Conference at Fairmont Hot Springs Resort.  This two-day intensive workshop will bring in national experts to help professionals working with folks in the perinatal period to identify, diagnose and treat PMADs.  Over 200 folks working in the perinatal space attended and evaluations show they were overall pleased with the conference and are eager for more training.

Safe Sleep for Baby

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HMHB has a long running program called SafeSleep for Baby which provides Pack ‘n’ Play Playards and safe sleep materials at no cost to families in need. When a family is identified, local public health departments or early childhood specialists make a referral to the program and Terry places the order for the Safe Sleep Kit.  This program provides approximately 130 cribs per year to Montana families in need of a safe sleeping environment for their babies.           

A recent partnership between DPHHS Family and Community Health Division, The Montana Children’s Trust Fund and the Montana Department of Justice will allow HMHB to send greatly expand the number of kits distributed.  This will also allow sites to store safe sleep kits on site, removing the timing lag between identifying the need for a safer sleep environment and orders being fulfilled and shipped.  In November HMHB surveyed a broad array of possible recipients including Child and Family Services, public health departments and home visitors.  Responses to the survey have been very enthusiastic and we are shooting to order 250 cribs by the end of the year!

Building Bridges for Better Births Year 2 (B4)

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In August 2018, HMHB was awarded a second year of funding from the Montana Healthcare Foundation (MHCF) to assist in building community connections to support MHCF’s Perinatal Substance Use Disorder (SUDs) Initiative.  Grantees of the initiative will be integrating behavioral health (IBH) services into OB/GYN care across the state. These efforts to improve perinatal behavioral health care got a shot in the arm in November when DPHHS received a $3.2 million dollar HRSA grant that will expand current grantee sites across the state.   HMHB is delighted to continue these efforts at new sites. More info found at: