
family support Archives - Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies: the Montana Coalition

I’m Emily: Your New Host of the Mother Love Podcast and Storytelling Coordinator at HMHB

By The Power of Story

by Emily Freeman, HMHB Storytelling Coordinator and Mother Love Podcast Host

Welcome Back to Mother Love!

Emily Freeman

After a summer hiatus, the Mother Love podcast is back in action with a new host (me!) and a new mini-series that I was lucky enough to co-host with Cass Weber, a mom of two from Butte. Cass was a guest on Mother Love last year, and her story resonated far beyond her original conversation with previous host, Claire. Not only did she share her own lived experience, but that of a community, as well. Her observations of the changes in the perinatal landscape in Butte, from one birth to the next, seemed well worth digging into more. So we did.

In five linked episodes – a series we’re calling “A Mining City Story” – Cass and I connect with some of the nurses and other providers who are working hard to improve resources and supports for moms and babies in Butte. The conversations are informative, accessible, and hopefully inspiring, both to healthcare providers for moms and babies, as well as to birthing families across Montana and beyond.

Looking Back

Cass Weber

An unexpected delight of co-hosting with Cass was having an opportunity to revisit my own years of pregnancy and early parenting in Montana. My children are now 12 and 14, and babyhood seems at once a million years ago, and like it happened just yesterday. In conversation with our podcast

guests, I was able to reflect on the supports and resources that I had (or didn’t) during those years, as well as my willingness (or not) to seek out the help that I needed.

I’m heartened by the shift I see in the generation of moms that came after mine, and the overall cultural shift towards normalizing asking for support in the early years. If I could go back in time and advise my younger self – deep in the trenches of early parenting, postpartum depletion, and general overwhelm – I might sit her down, take her hand, and encourage her to reach out to someone; to let her know she’s not alone, and that there’s no shame in asking for help.

Looking Forward

Since its inception, the Mother Love podcast has provided a source of connection for moms and families in the perinatal season of life, a season which can be isolating, particularly in a rural state such as ours, or when experienced in combination with any other life stressors. I believe deeply that sharing stories creates connection, and that through connection comes strength. I couldn’t be happier to facilitate this strengthening of Montana families through storytelling, and am truly honored to be the new voice of the podcast, building on the good work done in the past, and charting an exciting new course for the future.

The next Mother Love series will explore the Montana State Legislature. The legislative session can seem mystifying or inaccessible, and our guests will help us to better understand how it works, what’s interesting about it, and how to get involved. I look forward to these conversations, which will showcase the people behind the work, including parents, providers, advocates, and others offering insights on issues that impact families in the 0-3 years. The episodes will be short and sweet, perfect for listening on a lunch break, or while folding tiny pieces of laundry.

Share Your Story!

As we think about the podcast and our storytelling efforts in general going forward, our hope is to create the kind of content that you want, sharing stories from across the state, exploring bold ideas and creative solutions for supporting the littlest Montanans and their families.

Is there a voice or a topic that you’d like us to amplify in a future episode or series? Don’t hesitate to reach out via email at  stories@hmhb-mt.org to share your ideas.

Supporting Montana’s Youngest Through Early Intervention: Updates from Montana Milestones/Part C

By advocacy, Early Childhood

Montana Milestones/Part C is Montana’s early intervention program, and Sandy Cade, the Part C Coordinator, has provided some essential updates on changes to Early Intervention providers, along with helpful resources and contacts. Montana Milestones/Part C partners an early intervention specialist with a family to support caregivers in learning strategies to encourage the growth and development of children with developmental delays or disabilities. Early intervention is a program provided FREE to all eligible children and families. Read on to learn more about the updates and resources available to families and partners who work closely with children in need of early intervention support.

Message from Sandy Cade, Part C Coordinator

My name is Sandy Cade, and I serve as the Part C Coordinator for Montana. On behalf of Part C, I’m reaching out to you as valued partners who work with families of infants or toddlers that may be eligible for Early Intervention Part C services.

Research shows that early intervention can help children develop the skills they need to be successful, and it can also improve family relationships and mental health.

Montana Milestones/Part C of the IDEA Early Intervention Program is Montana’s comprehensive system of early intervention services and supports for families who have infants or toddlers, from birth through three, who have significant developmental delays or have been diagnosed with a condition associated with significant delays in development. Montana Milestones is funded through an annual federal grant under Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and legislatively appropriated State General Fund dollars.

Infants and toddlers come into Early Intervention through multiple doors, and because of your work, it’s important to make available current contact information to submit a referral and connect families or professionals to EI.

Please find note the following documents:

  • A statewide map of Part C Early Intervention providers with associated county
  • A list of those providers with contact information

Additional information including making a referral can be located at Montana Milestones (mt.gov). Please share this information broadly with local partners and staff.

part c regional map

Part C Early Intervention Provider

Contact Information

Developmental Educational Assistance Program

2200 Box Elder St, Miles City, MT 59301

(406) 234-6034

Benchmark Human Services
Benchmark Human Services

1601 2nd Ave N, Great Falls, MT 59401

(406) 403-0087

Early Childhood Intervention
Early Childhood Intervention

2016 Grand Ave, Billings, MT 59102

(406) 281-5885

Family Outreach
Family Outreach, Inc., Children’s Services

1212 Helena Ave, Helena, MT 59601

(406) 442-1571

Thank you to Sandy Cade for providing these updates. We hope you’ll use these resources to support families and children throughout Montana. Act early-if concerned about a child meeting his/her developmental milestones, talk to the parents/caregivers and make a referral! Early intervention can make a lasting difference, and by working together, we can help children reach their full potential.

A Week of Connection and Learning in the HMHB World!

By advocacy, Community, Community Support, Early Childhood, Montana Early Childhood Coalition, Positive Childhood Experiences

It has been an exciting week at Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies (HMHB), filled with opportunities for connection and collaboration. We were thrilled to participate in two meaningful events.

Montana Early Childhood Coalition Meeting

On Monday, with our partners from the Center for Children, Families & Workforce Development and Zero to Five, we helped convene the first in-person meeting of the Montana Early Childhood Coalition (MTECC) in several years. The MTECC consists of dedicated individuals who work at the community level through their local early childhood coalitions and other service providing organizations. The in-person meeting provided an excellent platform for participants to share ideas and discuss what’s working locally. Attendees exchanged insights, built connections, and shared innovative ideas with stakeholders from across the state. The meeting also included dialogues with representatives from statewide organizations and discussions on recent studies and needs assessments.

For more information about the Montana Early Childhood Coalition or to see if you or your organization might be eligible to participate, visit the MTECC website or please contact:

Resilience Rising: Positive Childhood Experiences Summit

On Tuesday, HMHB helped host the Resilience Rising: Positive Childhood Experiences (PCE) Summit. Members of the MTECC joined various stakeholders and professionals from across the state to explore the importance of positive childhood experiences.

The summit featured expert speakers, including:

  • Christina D. Bethell, PhD – Director, Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
  • Donald Warne, MD, MPH – Co-Director, Center for Indigenous Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
  • Stacy Dreessan & Teresa Nygaard – Child Abuse Prevention Centers of Montana
  • Faith Price, PhD – Research Associate, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
  • James Caringi, PhD – Professor, University of Montana School of Public & Community Health Sciences, College of Health
  • Becky Franks – Special Projects Director, The Montana Institute

The event also highlighted community-based successes spearheaded by these dedicated professionals in Lincoln and Park Counties:

The summit included discussions on the science and significance of PCEs, including in Indigenous populations, and insights from direct service providers on fostering PCE-informed communities. While session recordings aren’t available, you can find more information on the speakers and their work in the links provided above.

Upcoming Events

Carrying forward the energy of this week, we wanted to share reminders about several upcoming events and learning opportunities before the end of the year!

Perinatal Mental Health 101

Mark your calendars for Perinatal Mental Health 101 on September 10 and 17. This FREE virtual training is open to anyone interested in learning the basics of perinatal mental health. Dr. Samantha Greenberg from Greater Valley Health Center in Kalispell, MT, will lead the sessions.  Click here to register for this exciting event!

Perinatal Mental Health Conference

Following Dr. Greenberg’s sessions, we are thrilled to host the 7th Annual Perinatal Mental Health Conference in-person! You can find more information here.  We have some incredible national and local speakers and panelists we will be announcing soon! While we will offer a virtual option for those unable to travel to Helena, we look forward to the in-person connection and networking. Click here to register for this exciting event!

For more training and development opportunities across the state and within the perinatal mental health landscape, please visit our training opportunities page.

We loved seeing so many wonderful faces this week (in person and virtually!) and hope to continue the great connections and conversations throughout the rest of the year and beyond!